Monday, December 10, 2007

Black women:dont get it twisted!

I was on YOUTUBE the other day and came apond this post by a black woman who basically felt that black men dont find black women as attractive as white women and other non black women. Despite the fact that me and some other brothas posted comments to the fact that we DO FIND BLACK WOMEN ATTRACTIVE she just refused to believe us.

She said that black men are abandoning black women in favor of non black women. It seems that she was stuck in that position.She also felt that black men couldn't deal with a strong black woman. Seeing that it was basically futile trying get this sista to understand how wrong she was to put words into our collectives mouths,i stop posting.

I think too many black women have brought into this belief that black men actually prefer white women and other non black women over black women. I think they look at these star athletes and other black male celebs who date and marry non black women and assume that they represent what ALL black men want.Im here to tell you that they dont! Dont get it twisted!

I think that it's only human nature to be curios about what's it like to be with some one of another race. If we're honest,most of us have pondered this to some degree. Some of us actually acted on this curiosity,but that doesn't mean that you prefer some other race over your own.

I think its funny how the sistas will applaud other black women who date inter racially,but will show scorn towards black men who do the same thing. They will say things like there are no good black men out there or black dont know how to treat black women so they should turn to men of other races.It's almost like some sistas try to drive you away!

I love black women. In terms of sheer physical attractiveness,black women dont take a back seat to any race of women.I think alot of the feelings that black women have regarding black men supposedly favoring women of other races is probably low self esteem. In America the white woman is held out as the satndard of beauty and unfortunately,some sistas feel they have to strive to fit that ideal. How else can you explain the obbession with hair weaves,blue contact lenses,etc?

So,let's not get it twisted,ladies. Let us speak for ourselves. We know what we want and who we want.And that just happens to be YOU.

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